Tips & Tricks

The AD Resource System is so simple and straightforward, there is no need for extensive documentation.

That said; we have heard from some Users concerning the use of Windows and their Browser.
This page will attempt to deal with some of those issues.

The AD Resource System is a complete Small Aircraft Aviation Regulatory Library.

It meets the FAA's requirements for an IA Library by providing:

  • All Small Aircraft Airworthiness Directives,
  • All Small Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheets and
  • Access to current FARs.

In addition, it meets your requirements by providing:

  • Maintenance related Advisory Circulars,
  • Maintenance related Forms,
  • Over 70,000 AD related Service Bulletins and
  • A User-definable Compliance Report in MS-Word.

 It is a simple Point-and-Click, Drill-Down System.

 The System requirements are consistent with any modern office environment;

 A Desktop, Laptop tablet or phone with any modern Operating System:

  • MS Windows
  • Apple Mac
  • Unix or Linux
  • iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch
  • Android

 A Browser, such as:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari or Safari for Windows
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Opera, etc….

 Adobe Acrobat or the free Adobe Reader (Required to display .PDF files)

 Microsoft Word or compatible. (Required to render and display the Compliance Report. Click to display a sample report.)


 Helpful background information.

For some unknown reason most of the Browser Developers are now defaulting the Menu Bar to "off".

File    Edit    View    History …….. Tools    Help at the upper left of the Browser Window.

The Menu Bar is extremely useful, especially File and Edit. You should see that it is "on" and then learn how to use it.
( Google "Menu Bar Browser Name")

 Other Services want to manage your data for you. You don't get a choice. We think you should have a choice and be able to
manage your data any way you want. That, however, requires that you become familiar with your File System and Navigation Dialog
Boxes, specifically the use of Windows Explorer or File Explorer in Win 10 (not Internet Explorer).
Doing so, will make everything so much easier. Google "using windows explorer".


File Organization:
We ecommend a File System that looks something like this: (or any variation that suits you)

Root Dir



Other1 Other2




ADs     SBs    Reports    Forms

ADs     SBs    Reports    Forms

ADs     SBs    Reports    Forms


Typically Documents like ADs, etc.

Typically Documents like ADs, etc.

Typically Documents like ADs, etc.

Within Aviaton is Maintenance and within Maintenance are N Numbers, etc. 

Common Tasks:

1) Do an AD Search.
There are four categories of ADs; Airframe, Engine, Prop and Appliance - See: Link.
You will have to do all four searches.
Go to Airframe and select a Make, then a Model, then click on "Display AD List"
The AD Summery will be displayed. At the upper-left is a button "Display Reports in MS-Word"; Click on it.
Select the type of Report you need (e.g. All - Excluding Revised and Superseded ADs).
Click on the Drop-down for the Report you want and click on "Print". Then click on "Display Print Page".
Open the file. Is it an MS-Word document just as though you had build it yourself - we just did the hard work.

Save with a meaningful filename. e.g. N1234T. Then, re-display it and fill it out on-screen. Re-save and/or Print.
Repeat the process for the Engine, Prop and Appliances. Learn to use Cut, Copy and Paste.

2) Find a Model.
All usable libraries are built around the Type Certificate (data sheets).
That introduces two issues; The FAA organizes data from their point of view, not yours!!
And we have to be able to search for a model when the name could be inconsistent. (F.260, F260 or F-260)
Next, the manufacturers trade TCs like Monopoly pieces (e.g. Hawker, Smith Aerostar, etc.)

 Example: to find the 7AC.
In your Browser, go to the TC page for Small Single Engine Aircraft.
Using the Edit | Find function in the Menu Bar, search for "7AC". It will be in American Champion Aircraft.
But, notice where it has been in the past; Bellanca Aircraft, Champion Aircraft, Tetelestai & FRA Enterprises
We try to index the ADs to all the popular, well-known owners of the TC. And put all the ADs in each place.

 3) Find and display a Service Bulletin.
Links to Service Bulletins can be found in several places:
At the bottom if the AD in which the Service Bulletin is refreenced.
You may have to hold the Ctrl Key down while clicking on the link.
In the Applance Pages, and
In the Service Information Index: Manufacturere's Service Information


Site Log-in via a Browser:
This System uses three layers of Web Server data and each one requires authentication. That means that when you first start to use The AD Resource System, you will have to enter your Username & Password three times. All Web Browsers allow you to save your Username & Password and you should do that for each of the three layers of data. Once done, one of two things will happen, depending on which Browser you are using;
1) The System will show the authentication dialog box for each new session with your Username & Password already in place -- just click past it. Once that is done, future entries during the same session will not show the authentication dialog box,
2) Some Browsers will always show the authentication dialog box (with your data in it) -- again, just click past it. The frustration occurs if you don't set you Browser to remember your Username & Password.
If you don't know how to do that --- call us, we will show you how its done.

Saving Passwords with Smart Phones and Tablets:
Because our system runs in the browser on your phone, these settings are controlled by your "browser" settings on your phone or tablet.

To setup your phone to remember the login information please do the following:

iPhone / Safari: Go to Settings / Safari and / AutoFill -- Make sure that Names and Passwords is turned ON.

Android: Open the browser and click on the menu. Scroll down to Settings and select Privacy. Check the "Remember Passwords" option

Chrome: Open the browser and click on the menu. Scroll to Settings and under Basics click on Save Passwords and make sure it is ON.

Document (ADs, etc.) Display Editor:
That's a techie term for Microsoft Word. You can, however, use any Display Editor (Word Processor) that will properly render .DOC and .RTF files.
There is one exception; the AD Compliance Report is a very sophisticated translation of the HTML AD Summary to a Word Processor document in .RTF that can be completed on-screen; and that requires the power of Microsoft Word.

Windows 7 Security:
When using Office 2010 on Windows 7, there are some new security issues. In some cases you can just click past them, in others you may need to change some Windows 7 default settings. If you encounter these security issues that you can't easily get past --- call us. Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 were re-vamped and designed around the needs of a Publishing Co. -- Too complicated !!
We recommend using Office 2000 or 2003. Our data is compatible back to Word '97.

Some files will have obvious names, e.g. AD 2002-17-05 is delivered as "20021705.RTF"; that's pretty easy.
However, the Compliance Report using MS-IE could be as crazy as (Other Browswes aren't nearly that bad):
When you click on "Save As", simply change the filename to something meaningful to you; i.e. "Cessna -182N.doc" and save it anyplace on your Disk where you can find it again.